Back in grad school I heard this ridiculous story from a preacher. I’ve shared it before; now again. Goes like so.
There once was this Christian who felt unsure of his salvation. He hoped he was saved, but he was just so full of doubts. A little voice inside his head kept telling him, “Oh you’re not saved. Not really.” Of course the preacher assumed this voice was Satan, but considering how such baiting will simply drive us Christians to make certain we’re saved, I’m pretty sure Satan abandoned this tactic long ago as stupid. But I digress.
This uncertain Christian came up with a clever plan: First
Followed by a rash of my fellow students placing signs with various dates on ’em in the yard behind their dorms… Nah, just kidding. Nobody did that. Because this uncertain Christian posting signs in his backyard is, to put it kindly, dumb. “Yeah I know what’ll confirm my salvation: A sign in the yard!” Say the wind blows it away some day; then where will he be? Wouldn’t that surely look a sign from God suggesting no, he’s not saved?
Signs in your yard may indicate all sorts of things. Like whom you voted for, who installed your solar panels, who does your lawn, whom you voted for, whether the house is on the market, when the garage sale will be. Of course they mean nothing if they’re not true; if the sign says “Garage sale Saturday” but it was actually a Saturday in 2019. A sign can tell you the date of your sinner’s prayer, but
Because sinner’s prayers don’t save people. Never did. God saves us,
Romans 10.13 KJV - For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Jl 2.32
Of course they forget to quote
Romans 10.14-16 KJV - 14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
Is 52.7 16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report?Is 53.1
If a petitioner lacks faith in God—as proven when they don’t live the gospel after they prayed the sinner’s prayer—calling upon the Lord won’t save you. “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed?”
It’s like claiming, “I don’t know whether my checking account has any money in it. So I’m gonna send the bank a letter, then put the date I sent the letter on a sign. And every time I’m not sure there’s anything in that account, I’m gonna look at that sign and tell myself, ‘No you do have money. ’Cause you sent ’em a letter on this date!’ ”
Like I said, dumb.
Got fruit?
You want proof there’s money in your checking account? Go withdraw money from it. You want proof someone’s been saved? Go withdraw
The sinner’s prayer doesn’t prove we’re saved; the Holy Spirit does. You got him, you’re saved. You don’t?—you aren’t.
Ephesians 1.13-14 KJV - 13In [Christ] ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise, 14 which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.
The reason Christians doubt their salvation? They don‘t have these things. They’re the very same
When they can’t honestly point to the Spirit’s activity and say, “God’s involved in my life,” they got nothing. All they can really do is stick signs in the yard. And celebrate their “spiritual birthday.” And because
Nudge newbies towards fruit.
Too often, evangelists try to “seal the deal”—get people to say the sinner’s prayer, and once that’s done, figure they’re now going to heaven and our job’s done. On to the next potential convert!
Yeah, no. Jesus didn’t tell us to go make people say the sinner’s prayer. He told us to teach them what he taught his first students.
Matthew 28.18-20 KJV - 18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
If we don’t teach ’em “to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you,” stands to reason they think there’s nothing more they need to do… so they do nothing more. And don’t listen to the Spirit. And don’t grow. And think they’re Christian, but aren’t.
No, it’s not because their inactivity drives the Spirit away. It’s because
So once the sinner’s prayer gets said, we gotta plug the new believer into a church. Some church; whichever church they’re most likely to attend regularly. Get ’em worshiping. Get ’em praying. Get ’em reading bible; get ’em to a bible study. Answer questions. Provoke questions. If you don’t have answers, get them. (If your answers don’t match anyone else’s answers, sometimes that’s okay; sometimes Christians are allowed to believe diverse things. But sometimes we’re not, so make sure they learn
And if you personally can’t do this—hey, sometimes we’re busy—find someone who can. You find someone. Not just someone who claims to know it all; someone who produces good fruit. I know various fruitless pastors who know plenty, but they have all the patience of a three-year-old after you just turned off Disney+ in mid-cartoon, and they suck at encouraging good fruit in others. So don’t just assume your newbie’s new instructor should automatically be someone with the title “pastor,” and any ol’ pastor will do.
If the newbie grows, great!—the sinner’s prayer took. If the newbie bails on the whole discipleship thing, not so great; see if you can find out what went wrong, and whether there’s anything you can do to get ’em back on track.
But sometimes they never really did mean the prayer. They said it on impulse, like when they bought that exercise bike they never use, and now drape clothes over. They thought they meant it. And someday they might say it again, and mean it, and follow Jesus. But not now. It sucks, but it happens. Don’t presume it doesn’t.
Worried about your own salvation?
Now if you’re one of those people who, like the numbnut with the backyard sign, aren’t so sure about your salvation, and think the sinner’s prayer marks your “spiritual birthday”: Stop that. Psyching yourself into thinking that marks the time you made your deal with God, and now you have full-coverage afterlife insurance, isn’t gonna work as well as you imagine. If anything it’s gonna develop a big fat blindspot where our fruit should be. And blindspots have a bad habit of multiplying.
The reason people doubt their own salvation is not because the devil’s trying to steal our peace. It’s because
But too many Christians only want full-coverage afterlife insurance, and little more. They don’t wanna
It’s not at all what the scriptures teach. God has good works for us to do.
But when we do nothing, and have nothing, we see nothing. Suddenly the sinner’s prayer feels like a really big deal… ’cause it’s the only thing we have.
The solution’s both simple and (if we’re not in the habit of following Jesus) difficult: Start. Start developing fruit of the Spirit and eliminating
Worried you’re not saved? Sounds like it’s time you started behaving like a saved person.