Questions? Comments? Email. But remember, my feedback policy means I can post it. Especially if it’s a question others may have.
Some of you know TXAB has an email link. Whenever I redesign the site, the link gets moved around, but it doesn’t feel like placement has anything to do with how much mail I get. Besides, when people don’t know the email address, they tend to stick non-sequitur comments at the bottom of articles, and get ahold of me that way. Hey, whatever works. Just remember
Most of the TXAB emails are
People likewise wanna know about other people. Whether a Christian ministry, or famous preacher, or widespread teaching (or even little-known teaching)
And every so often I get a question from someone who’s testing me.
There are a lot of
If you’re saved by your faith—by what you believe—it means holding false beliefs might get you unsaved. Certainly the devil would be interested in anything that might get Christians unsaved! So faith-righteous folks like to go on the offensive, shake the trees for anyone who might make ’em stumble out of heaven, and go heresy hunting. Yep, that’s why
Naturally they wanna make sure I won’t lead ’em astray. So they pitch me some questions, to which they already know “the right answer,” just to see whether I’ll give them the correct response. And if I don’t, they’ll furiously try to correct me… and if I don’t concede, condemn me as heretic and warn all their friends about me. Or they’ll skip correcting and go straight to condemning; it all depends on how they interpret
Invariably I'm gonna disappoint these people. Because I might get their first question right, but you know I’m gonna fail one of their future tests.
See, when you’re into faith righteousness, there’s no such thing as an optional Christian belief. Freedom in Christ doesn’t exist. Freedom of conscience is never entrusted to the average Christian, because they’re entirely sure people will compromise righteousness for the sake of convenience. (To be fair, they’re largely not wrong!) They insist there are no shades of gray in Christianity; there’s black and white, right and wrong, godly and satanic, orthodox and heretic.
What about when Paul wrote one Christian can believe one way, another Christian another, and we shouldn’t condemn one another over it?
Anyway. If I suspect I’m getting an orthodoxy test, I’ll admit it: I try to fail the first time. Even if my answer is likely the very one they’re looking for, I’ll try to throw in some comment which’ll flunk one of their future questions.
No, not because I’m trying to pick a fight. It’s because I wanna get this charade over with. I’m here to help, not to play “Spot the Heretic.”
Y’know they pulled this stunt on Jesus.
Not that I’m any way on the same level as Jesus. (Striving to be, but let’s be realistic.) But he wasn’t immune to people throwing orthodoxy-test questions at him.
Matthew 22.15-22 KWL - 15 Then the Pharisees, enacting a plan they came up with to verbally ensnare Jesus,
- 16 sent Jesus their students with the Herodians, saying,
- “Teacher, we know you’re genuine; you genuinely teach God’s way.
- You don’t care about anyone’s approval; you don’t look at people’s faces.
- 17 So tell us what you think: Is it right to give census-taxes to Caesar or not?”
- 18 Jesus, knowing their trickery, said, “Why are you hypocrites testing me?
- 19 Show me the census-tax coin.” They brought him a denarius.
- 20 Jesus told them, “Who’s this icon and inscription of?” 21 They said, “Caesar’s.”
- So Jesus told them, “So give Caesar’s things back to Caesar. And God’s things to God.”
- 22 Hearing this, they were astounded, left him, and went away.
Contrary to the way too many pastors preach it, Jesus’s clever answer did not satisfy both pro-Romans and anti-Romans. The only pro-Romans among the Judeans
But of course it’s the right answer.
The Pharisees were right about one thing: Jesus didn’t care about anyone’s approval. Theirs included. He spoke the truth as best he could. As kindly as he could; let’s not read our own short tempers into the story, and remember Jesus’s character is best described
It’ll irritate ’em anyway, because they seldom know the difference between grace and liberalism, and think I’m practicing one instead of the other. That’s the thing about faith-righteous people: When you don’t realize you’re saved by grace, you’re not gonna be all that familiar with the concept, and certainly don’t pay it forward. I get no points for believing most of what they do; everything falls over one wrong answer.
If that’s the sort of email you’re thinking about sending me, please don’t. Find someone else to bug.