A lot of times, we don’t know. And that’s okay.
No, the answer’s not “God.”
The bible was written by
“God wrote it” is the short answer people give when we’ve no clue how God works. We assume God did with his prophets the same as he did with Moses: He stated a bunch of things, and the prophets took dictation like a secretary. Or they assume
Generally they’ve got
So yeah, whenever some skeptic states, “The bible was written by men”—okay it was. And so what? The dictionary was likewise written by women and men, and I don’t see ’em dismissing the dictionary as unauthoritative. Those who wrote the dictionary, know what they’re talking about. Same deal with the prophets who wrote the bible: They knew God. They wrote what they knew. Their testimonies are trustworthy, solid stuff. We should be able to easily defer to their knowledge: The God they describe is the very same God we know.
God didn’t have to write the bible in order for it to accurately, infallibly describe him.
Okay. As for which prophets wrote the bible: We know the names of a number of its authors. The New Testament letters have their authors’ names on ’em.
Moses wrote some. But not all of “his” books.
Who wrote Genesis? Again, the answer’s not “God.” And it regularly surprises various Christians to discover it’s not Moses. After all, their
Now yes, Moses was the guy who wrote down what the L
There’s some evidence other hands than Moses wrote the narratives in “his” books. Fr’instance the story of his death
Genesis 36.31 KWL - These are kings who reigned in Edom’s land before a king reigned over Israel’s sons.
Obviously the person who wrote this line, knew Israel would have a king; it wasn’t purely hypothetical. So it wasn’t Moses, who died four centuries before Saul ben Kish became Israel’s first king. Obviously whoever wrote this verse did know of Saul. Maybe even the kings after him.
Or when Abraham and his troops went to the city of Dan.
Or when the Hebrews built the city of Rameses,
So Moses might’ve written big parts of the first five books, but he’s clearly not the final author who put the books together. Someone else did. (Scholars have a theory as to how, which I’ll discuss another time.) Tradition may say it was Moses, but tradition isn’t infallible. The bible is, and the bible indicates it can’t be Moses.
So who was it? We don’t know. The author didn’t include it in the books. Didn’t think it mattered: Only God mattered.
And you’ll find this mindset is precisely why authors left their names out of a lot of parts of the bible. We don’t know who wrote
Yep, even in the New Testament.
We don’t know whether Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John wrote
Christians deduced who their authors are: The author of John is “the student Jesus loved,”
The letters have their authors’ names on them… well, all but John’s letters and Hebrews. We deduced the letters are John’s because they were written in the very same style as John’s gospel. As for Hebrews, a number of Christians presume Paul wrote it, but it’s not his style. It seems to have had its introduction trimmed off, possibly because its author scandalized people—but they wanted to keep the letter because it’s good stuff. My guess is a woman wrote it; many scholars guess Priscilla, but that’s no more than a guess. Like Origen of Alexandria said, only God knows who wrote it.
Although y’might notice the apostles who wrote the New Testament didn’t use their full names. Those with Roman citizenship had at least three names—a nomen (family name, like westerners’ last names), prænomen (given name, like our first names), and a cognomen (nicknames, ’cause Roman custom was to give everybody in the family the same names); and often multiple cognomens. But y’notice Paul only ever used his cognomen,
But again: Anonymity, or semi-anonymity, was about keeping the attention away from them, and pointing it towards Jesus. They didn’t feel they mattered as much as he. Only his name is worthy of glory.
Their culture and ours.
Skeptics make a big deal of the semi-anonymous nature of the bible. Mostly because they assume the reason the bible’s authors were anonymous because they were hiding. Because they were up to no good.
Fr’instance Benjamin Franklin, in his teenage years, went under the pen name of Silence Dogood. Partly because he knew no one would take a smart-alecky 16-year-old seriously, but they might read what appeared to be a witty older widow. Partly because he was trying to get published in his brother James’s newspaper, and knew James didn’t take him seriously. And partly because everybody back then used pen names: There was no such thing as freedom of speech, so if they wrote anything which offended an official, they and the publisher could be jailed. As James Franklin later was.
So skeptics distrust anonymity. As everyone kinda should.
The bible’s authors had very different motives for their anonymity. Like I said, they wanted the attention on God, not themselves. But our culture can’t help but read our motives for anonymity onto them.
And certain Christians overcompensate for this. They insist they do know the authors of the bible: Moses musta written “the books of Moses,” Joshua musta written Joshua (except the bit at the end where he died), Samuel musta written Judges and Ruth (even though they were written centuries apart), Ezra or somebody else wrote the other history books (except the first-person Nehemiah, obviously written by Nehemiah), Job wrote Job (except for his death scene), David wrote all the anonymous psalms, Solomon all the anonymous proverbs, and Paul wrote Hebrews. There; all accounted for.
This overcompensation shows they don’t understand history… and don’t really trust the scriptures. ’Cause it’s not enough to trust the Holy Spirit inspired the bible’s authors; they have to know who each specific author was, and these authors all have to be famous bible figures.
Problem is, their estimations are easily exploded. Which doesn’t help ’em convince skeptics at all. We must be careful to not make outrageous claims about the bible based on what we wish it was: We gotta look at what it legitimately is. Anything else is wishful thinking.
So what the scriptures are, for the most part, is anonymous. That’s okay. Truth is truth, even if we don’t know who tells it.