Y’might’ve heard this story before.
1 Kings 19.11-13 KWL - 11 The L
ORD said, “Go out. Stand on Mt. Sinai before the LORD ’s face.” - Look, the L
ORD passed by. - A great, strong wind tore away the mountain, breaking rocks before the L
ORD ’s face— - but the L
ORD wasn’t in the wind. - After the wind, an earthquake. The L
ORD wasn’t in the quake. - 12 After the quake, a fire. The L
ORD wasn’t in the fire. - After the fire, a voice—a thin whisper.
- 13 When Elijah heard it, he covered his face with his robe and went out to stand in the cave’s opening.
- Look, the voice to him said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”
This is the only instance in the bible of a
The only instance. Nowhere else is the L
Yet for some reason, the still small voice is how everybody seems to think God talks to people: He’s quiet. A tiny whisper. Something you can barely hear.
I would argue they can barely hear him
“God-impressions”: How people imagine God talks without talking.
I grew up among people who were pretty sure God stopped talking in bible times. Because, their explanation went, we have bibles now: God doesn’t need to talk, for he’s said everything he needed to say within the pages of your bible. Read your bible; that’s the closest you’ll get to God talking to you, ’cause supposedly God figures it’s all we need.
It’s a rubbish idea. Which is why the very same people who think God stopped talking, developed this harebrained idea God now communicates through impressions. And no, I don’t mean the sort of impressions where you’re trying to mimic some celebrity: They think God makes ’em feel something. A little subtle something. Instead of “yes” and “no,” God makes ’em either feel happy or anxious; like they oughta accept their circumstances, or like they oughta question them.
So when they talk about God’s still small voice, they actually have God-impressions in mind. Not an audible whisper; not an internal voice; just an unconscious thought which they’re pretty sure they didn’t psyche themselves into thinking. It just came to them. God must’ve dropped it into their spirits. That’s his “still small voice”—it’s kind of a metaphor for what a God-impression really is.
Again, rubbish. Read that bit of 1 Kings 19 again. In that story, Elijah heard a literal voice which summoned him out of the cave. One which specifically told Elijah, in ancient Hebrew,
Nobody ever talks about having a conversation with God-impressions. And those’d be interesting stories, too: “I asked God if I could buy that Lexus, and he gave me a peace
These are emotions. We’re letting ourselves be led by emotions.
We don’t have conversations with these God-impressions; we take them and run with them. Especially when that “peace in my spirit” jibes exactly with what we really, really want to do. We never follow up with, “Hey God, did you actually give me this idea, or am I just giving you credit for my wishes?” After all… it might not be God, and we really want that Lexus. Or whatever else we’ve coveted, and are hoping God will grant us just this once.
Okay yes, the Holy Spirit drops impressions into people all the time. Little nudges in one direction or another. Thing is, so do devils. And let’s not forget about being led astray
I already wrote about
And no, impressions aren’t God’s still small voice.
God’s clear voice.
Emotions are a rotten way to deduce God’s will. Yes, if he wants to, the Holy Spirit can manipulate our feelings. Sometimes he does. But that’s not communication. It might open communications with God… but often it closes communications. Whenever the L
So with very few exceptions, what “I feel in my spirit” is me. Those checks in your spirit are you, feeling anxious and acting as if God is warning you away from something you don’t feel right about.
And the most obvious sign this isn’t God, is its very vagueness. God doesn’t do vague. He gets specific. Vague has “fake prophet” written all over it.
Whatever God’s voice sounds like to you—loud or small, internal or audible—it’s still what the Holy Spirit is directly, specifically telling you. It’s conscious, obvious communication. It’s purposeful, specific revelation. There should be no doubt in your mind you heard it. There may be doubt as to whether God said it, which is why we still need to confirm it. But there’s none of the doubtful, shaky nature of “impressions” and emotions.
And y’know, in the 1 Kings 19 story it may not even have been a quiet whisper. Remember, when Elijah first heard it, he was in a cave, hiding from the wind and earthquake and fire. Once he came to the cave’s mouth, the L
But if the L
So if you’ve heard the L