I’ve pointed out
But no, I don’t guarantee you’ll grow in all these ways when you fast.
All things being equal, you probably will. But as you know, there are lots of ways people can bollix our own growth. If we’re fasting, yet the rest of our lives are just as sinful as ever, why should we expect anything to change whatsoever? And yet Christians do: “I’m fasting! That should count for something.”
The Hebrews did it too, y’know. They’d fast, then make prayer requests ’cause they believed fasting would show the L
But no it’s not a “biblical principle.” The idea that fasting always makes God move, is based on
In reality there is no biblical principle of fasting. Because in the bible, the L
But anyone who claims fasting unlocks God’s promises, and now he owes us stuff: They didn’t get that from bible. They got it from a corrupt Christian tradition, if anything. It’s not so. God owes us nothing.
He tends to grant these things to active followers, not because we’re actively following, but because what good would they be in the hands of people who aren’t actively following? Such people will just squander his gifts, and be of little to no help to his kingdom. It’s not merit; it’s pragmatism.
So when we fast, is God obligated to do more for us than usual? Not at all. He tends to, but that’s only because Christians who fast, tend to love Jesus and follow him otherwise.
Fasting while you’re sinning.
Lots of Christians fast, but not really because they’re seeking God and his kingdom.
In any event, fasting for ulterior motives means we’re gonna do it wrong. We’re gonna think of fasting as if it’s a heavenly punchcard, where you fast enough days and you earn a free sin. Instead of redirecting our focus towards heavenly things, fasting simply becomes a little personal devotion we’re doing on the side, and we never ever notice all the violations of God’s commands and love which we commit every day. And even when we do: Hey, we’re fasting! Shouldn’t that cancel some of the badness out?—just a little?
For too many Christians, fasting clearly doesn’t make us any holier. We don’t grow
Isaiah 58.1-4 KWL - 1 “Shout really loud. Don’t hold back. Your voice should be loud as a shofar.
- Tell my rebellious people about the sins of Jacob’s house.
- 2 Day after day they seek me, ‘delighted’ to know my way—
- as if they’re a righteous nation, who judges rightly and hasn’t abandoned their God,
- asking me for righteous judgment, ‘delighting’ in God’s closeness.
- 3 But they ask, ‘Why do we fast and you don’t see us? Why do we oppress our souls and you don’t seem to know it?’
- Look, on your fast day you seek pleasure. You oppress your employees.
- 4 Look, you argue and fight as you fast, punching with a wicked fist.
- Don’t fast like you do today, and expect your voice to be heard on high!”
Same as Isaiah’s day, we have Christians who make a big deal of fasting on a regular basis, yet they think giving their employees Sundays off makes up for not paying them any more than they legally have to. Who will still pick fights on the internet. Who will still lie and break promises and cheat as usual… but think they’re doing pretty good ’cause they fast. Hey, look at all the Christians who don’t fast: They’re doing better than them, right?
And like the Israelis, sometimes they wanna know why God isn’t paying out. Well, the response the L
Fasting doesn’t make up for anything. Jesus makes up for everything.
But when we’re making a true effort, and fasting is part of that effort, God recognizes us as true followers. We’re something he can work with. Strive to be that.