Matthew 10.24-25, Luke 6.40, John 13.16, 15.18-25.
Today’s passages
Jerks either deliberately try to offend, or don’t care that they do offend. And there are a lot of Christians, religious or not, who behave this way. They want people to be outraged. They want division and strife. They don’t care that
Of course they’re going about it the wrong way. If we have God’s mysteries and share them, yet we don’t do so in love (and no,
Jesus’s statements here are not for jerks. But man alive are jerks quick to quote them. “Oh, oh! I’m being persecuted. Well, Jesus said it’s to be expected. They hated him; they’ll hate us.”
Yeah, but they hated Jesus for entirely different reasons. They hated Jesus because he called BS on ’em. Exposed their fake piety. Loved people they didn’t consider worth loving. Objected to
So when Jesus
So since they went after Jesus, don’t think we’re exempt. He’s the teacher; he’s the master; we’re just
Matthew 10.24-25 KWL - 24 “A student isn’t above the teacher, nor a slave above their master.
- 25 It’s fine for the student to become like their teacher, and the slave like their master.
- But if people call the homeowner ‘Baal Zevúl,’
- how much more those of his house?”
Luke 6.40 KWL - “A student isn’t above the teacher,
- and everyone so repaired will be like their teacher.”
John 13.16 KWL - “Amen amen! I promise you a slave isn’t greater than their master,
- nor an apostle greater than their sender.”
Out of context, this passage is also occasionally used by false teachers to make the claim they’ve studied Jesus so much, so extensively, they’re just as authoritative as he. Which everyone should instantly recognize as rubbish, but you’d be surprised how many Christians are total suckers for a winsome
Even in Christian-majority countries.
Obviously in a country which considers itself Christian, has a Christian majority, or has a national church which people actually attend, you shouldn’t expect to see people hating on Christians—other than
And if they did burn Jesus fish on your lawn, the public would be outraged, and cops would actually go after ’em for committing a hate crime. Yeah, in the United States, there’d also be outrage and police support if people did something just as anti-Jewish or anti-Muslim… but not as much as if a Christian were attacked. ’Cause of all the Christians. This is a country where it’s entirely safe to be Christian. Entirely.
Yeah, I know various Christians claim that’s not so. They’ll claim they were discriminated against at work, by the government, by their neighbors, by shopkeepers and clerks and waiters, by everyone. And as Americans no doubt know from experience, none of these people were shunned or blackballed because they’re Christian. It’s entirely because they’re boorish, rude, inconsiderate, and offensive. Wearing some pro-Jesus T-shirt which also happens to be antigay, racist, pro-Confederate, pro-fascist, anti-Islam, or otherwise proclaims their politics instead of the gospel. Treating workers and waitstaff rudely and dismissively,
The only people who truly persecute Christians in the United States, are fellow Christians who don’t think they’re Christian enough. Or, if the persecutors are more into certain forms of Christianity which are really more about politics and appearance than actually following Jesus… well, they’re doing the same as certain powerful
So it won’t be persecution from the state or society—unless
And yeah, these self-described Christians don’t know Jesus any more than any pagan. If they did, they’d easily recognize us as Christians too. They might still disagree with us; they might wanna argue our positions aren’t as biblical as theirs. They’ll remember to be civil, and fruitful, and to behave like Jesus wants all his followers to. But remember how Jesus said you’ll know people by their fruit? Yeah, they won’t exhibit any.
John 15.18-25 KWL - 18 “If the world hates you all, know it hated me before you.
- 19 If you’re being of the world, the world loves its own.
- Because you’re not of the world—instead I select you all to be out of the world—
- this is why the world hates you.
- 20 Remember the lesson I told you? ‘A slave isn’t greater than their master.’
- If they persecute me, they’ll persecute you too.
- If they keep my lesson, they’ll keep yours too.
- 21 But they’ll do all these things to you because of my name,
- because they haven’t known my Sender.
- 22 Had I not come and spoke to them, they wouldn’t be sinning.
- Now they have no excuse for their sin:
- 23 One who hates me, hates my Father too.
- 24 Had I not done the works I do among them which no one else does,
- they wouldn’t be sinning.
- Now they had seen, and hated both me and my Father.
- 25 But now they can fulfill the word which is written in their Law,
- that ‘they gratuitously hate me.’”
Ps 69.4
Note Jesus refers to such
And they’ll come after Christians when we do as Jesus did, and rebuke their bad and devious behavior. Kindly, lovingly, not with the intent of embarrassing them, but of getting them
What to do? Well, all sorts of things. But Jesus stated these things in the scriptures because he wanted us to be prepared for them to happen. Whether it’s in a nation utterly antagonistic towards Christians like the early Roman Empire, or a nation which totally sucks up to Jesus like the United States: Be prepared.