1 John 1.1-4.
Just as John introduced his gospel
Some have argued John’s really writing about the Father. After all, the Father’s there in the beginning. But John wrote this person is with the Father,
Yeah John doesn’t come right out and bluntly say he’s writing about Jesus. But did he really have to? Are we that dense? Well… maybe those of us who insist John’s writing about the Father. Everybody else, who isn’t trying to be contrary for contrariness’ sake, should have no trouble recognizing who John meant.
1 John 1.1-4 KWL - 1 About the living word: He’s in the beginning.
- We saw him with our eyes. We saw him up close and our hands touched him.
- 2 He revealed life. We saw it, witnessed it, and report it to you:
- The life of the age to come which is with the Father, revealed to us.
- 3 We saw it, heard it, and report it to you all, so you can also have a relationship with us—
- and our relationship is with the Father and with his son, Christ Jesus.
- 4 We write these things so our joy might be full.
Saw it for themselves.
Same as in the start of John’s gospel, the author began with a matter-of-fact statement. This isn’t theory, isn’t speculation, isn’t what present-day people mean by “spiritual” (’cause they mean imaginary, not “empowered by the Holy Spirit”). It’s concrete. John and the rest of the Twelve spent significant personal time with Jesus of Nazareth. Standing in synagogues as he taught, sitting in boats while he napped, listening to his innumerable sermons, getting confused by his analogies and parables, eating where he ate, peeing against the same boulders as he. They knew Jesus as a real, physical, corporeal being. ’Cause despite what gnostics claimed, that’s what he is.
And he’s our heavenly Father’s only-begotten Son.
But while John’s gospel focuses mostly on Jesus as God’s word, as God’s revelation of himself to humanity, 1 John focuses a bit more on Jesus as God’s life. In the Old Testament,
A lot of 1 John consists of statements refuting
Doesn’t matter if he has the supernatural power to cure all sorts of disease. Doesn’t matter
But Jesus is still in the beginning. Before
Now if you want a relationship with this Jesus, you can have one!
But it won’t do to reject his apostles’ teachings. He revealed himself to them first. And, arguably, most. Doesn’t matter if a hermit sits in a cell for 60 years praying his brains out, and the Holy Spirit gives him vision after vision, revelation after revelation: Jesus physically hung out with his Twelve and taught ’em personally. They knew him best. They were in an excellent position for Jesus to correct them about all the wrong ideas they had about God. And they correct us the same way—
The rest of us Christians can, like that hermit, sorta know Jesus personally. But that’s more like two people who meet on Twitter, communicate with one another for years, yet never meet in person. Yes it’s a relationship; it can even be a very close one! But it has its limitations. Whereas the apostles had no such limitations with Jesus. He was right there.
And John wrote his letter so his readers could establish a relationship with Jesus… which is best facilitated by having a relationship with Jesus’s apostles. You wanna know Christ better? Study what his first followers wrote. Read the gospels. Read the apostles. Read your bible. Read them for what they have to say, not
They saw the living Christ. And