There’s this really popular quote Christians use. It’s attributed to St. Francis of Assisi, but we’ve no evidence he ever said it. Kinda like
Which sounds profound and nice, doesn’t it? How Christians typically interpret it is, “We preach the gospel through our actions. Not just our words; not just with sermons and literature,
But here’s the thing: Words are necessary.
I’ve met many a pagan who’s seen Christians do good works. Who’s seen us be kind to people, seen us create and run charities, seen us actively get out and help the needy. But when you ask ’em why these Christians are doing good deeds, their answers are always, always, “Oh they’re just trying to get to heaven.” They think we think
Heck, I’ve seen many a Christian who says the very same thing. “Oh those Christians are practicing ‘faith righteousness.’ You know we’re not saved by works though; we’re saved by faith.” Of course when these people say “saved by faith” what they really mean is “saved by the Christian faith,” i.e.
God’s grace is a huge part of the gospel:
Grace went over their heads. Hey, they don’t practice it, so it stands to reason they won’t recognize it.
And this is why, when we proclaim the gospel, we have to use words! Actions are open to interpretation, and people will naturally interpret things based on themselves, based on their own prejudices and biases. They see us doing good deeds, unconsciously think, “Why might I do those good deeds?” and conclude all sorts of self-serving ulterior motives. Some of those motives are downright evil, by the way. That’s why they’ll sometimes get really suspicious of Christian charities: “Oh, you must be doing this for the same reasons I’d do it. You’re trying to get tax breaks. You’re trying to get good public relations to make up for something really bad you’ve done, or you’re secretly doing. You’re trying to look good. You’re trying to feel good about yourselves. I know what you’re really about.”
No, they really don’t. Not unless we tell them. So we gotta tell them. With words.
It’s why the bible was written in words. Why Jesus uses words
So when Jesus sends out his followers to go make him more followers, he expects us to use words. To teach them, not just with actions and good deeds, but with words, “to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you”
Those who don’t wanna use words.
Part of the reason this phony-baloney “St. Francis” quote is so popular, is there are a lot of Christians who really don’t wanna use words to preach the gospel. For various reasons.
Sometimes it’s because they don’t feel they can communicate the gospel articulately enough. They’re afraid they’re gonna share it wrong, or get some details wrong, or otherwise mangle the message. And okay, if that’s your worry, relax! Take them to somebody who communicates the gospel right. Give them
But often it’s because they don’t wanna communicate the gospel. They feel unworthy, incapable, or think of themselves as lousy examples of a Christian. They feel uncomfortable with other people, and just want to stand back and quietly, unobtrusively do good deeds. They wanna be behind-the-scenes Christians, who support the gospel rather than preaching it.
Hey, I’m not knocking those people who wanna support the gospel with behind-the-scenes activities. I do a fair amount of that stuff myself, and we could always use more help. But if you’re hoping to only do that, instead of sharing Jesus with other people… you’re really gonna fumble things when you find yourself in a situation where someone needs you to share Jesus with them.
When we’re fearful and introverted, and hesitant to share Jesus for any number of reasons, we gotta learn to conquer those fears. We gotta learn to love people so much, those fears get eliminated.
Because anybody can give away food and water, and care for the needy. Lots of people do! Lots of pagans do. Other religions do good deeds, because they do believe they’re saved by good karma. So just doing good deeds and nothing more isn’t gonna proclaim God’s love, and point to Jesus, unless we say so. The good deeds have to work hand-in-hand with the message. Use words.