Titus 3.12-15.
Paul wraps up
Titus 3.12-15 KWL 12 I might send either Artemas or Tychicus to you;- when I do, be quick to come to me in Nikópolis,
- for I decided to winter there.
13 Quickly bring Zenas the lawyer, and Apollos, with you,- so they might not be left behind.
14 Our people must also learn to maintain good works;- they’re necessary business
- so they might not be fruitless.
15 Everyone with me greets you.- Greet our friends in faith.
- Grace to all of you. {Amen.}
Verse 12 is why some people, including the editors of the Textus Receptus, figured Paul wrote this from Nikópolis, Macedon. But since he calls it “there” when he wrote this, instead of “here,” kinda looks to me like he’s not there yet! We shouldn’t be surprised if he wrote it on his way somewhere.
Travel back then was particularly difficult in winter, ’cause weather, and no reliable way to forecast it. So Paul had to hunker down somewhere, and Nikópolis had decent resources and decent temperatures.
Artemas and Tychicus were members of Paul’s ministry team. They’re both Greek names, but don’t presume that automatically makes ’em Greek; plenty of Jews back then had
Paul tells Titus to bring two guys with him: Zenas “the lawyer,” and Apollos. Zenas, short for the Greek name Zenodoros (meaning “gift of Zeus”) isn’t ever mentioned again. We’ve no idea what sort of lawyer Zenas was—whether he was a Jew, and an expert in the Law of Moses; or a gentile, and an expert in Roman law. Paul calls him “the lawyer” likely because both he and Titus knew another guy named Zenas, and wanted to indicate the right Zenas. As for Apollos, he’s the apostle—the Alexandrian Jew who was full of the Spirit, eloquent, knew his bible, taught Christians, and most tellingly, was receptive to correction.
Then, kind of as an afterthought, there’s an important verse about good works.
Because we gotta do good works.
Just to remind you: The whole point of Paul’s pastoral epistles was to encourage church leaders (specifically Timothy, Titus, and Philemon; but you can apply most of this advice to everyone) to encourage their churches to behave themselves, dangit.
Because without adequate leadership, people will follow their own ideas instead of Jesus,
This is why Paul reiterates good works throughout his letters. All his letters. Now that
And try not to repeat the errors and foolish behavior Paul brings up in his letters. Because Christians totally keep doing that. You’d think we’d have learned by now, but people don’t read, including bible. People keep presuming they know what’s right, instead of double-checking their assumptions against the scriptures. People keep ignoring the big waving red flags of
Hence Paul tells Titus these good works are “necessary business so they might not be fruitless” in verse 14. A Christian who doesn’t work on their good character and good behavior simply isn’t gonna