blæs'fim verb. Say something about God (or holy things) which isn’t true. Slander. - 2. Speak irreverently about God or holy things. Sacrilege.
- [Blasphemer
blæs'fim.ər noun, blasphemous'blæs.fə.məs adjective, blasphemy'blæs.fə.mi noun.]
As you can see, in the definition I just used (which I also used in
- Don’t speak ill of the L
ORD . - Don’t speak ill of
the L if someone uses his name for other stuff, like the names of altars and churches, you wanna carefully distinguish between the thing named for the LORD ’s name;ORD and the LORD himself. - Don’t say evil things about
the trinity. - Nothing against Jesus.
Especially nothing against the Holy Spirit, ’cause there’s no coming back from that one.- For
Roman Catholics, who believe the elements ofholy communion literally become Jesus during the ritual, blaspheming them counts as blaspheming Jesus, so don’t. (One particular famous Catholic comedian will make Jesus jokes… but weirdly, will never make fun of the Eucharist, ’cause somehow that crosses the line.)
So don’t touch God; but these folks think it’s totally okay to blaspheme holy things, because they’re just things. They’re not God; they’re not divine; saying we can blaspheme them suggests they might be divine, but we worship nothing and no one but God. So you can’t blaspheme the holy bible, because
Thing is… people kinda do have the ability to blaspheme the bible. If “blaspheme” means to slander, or speak irreverently about, of course there are people who slander and speak irreverently about bible.
Thing is, the people who insist only God can be blasphemed, wanna limit the use of the word “blasphemy” to God. When you’re slandering the bible, “slander” is fine. When you’re slandering God, “blasphemy” is the appropriate word. Because slandering God is a much bigger deal than slandering his prophets and apostles. One indicates the damaged relationship we have with God; the other just indicates we lack reverence for holy things and people. And a damaged relationship with God is obviously the bigger deal.
My own personal habit is, like those people, to only use “blasphemy” when we’re talking about slandering God, and not when we’re talking about slandering a church, a book, a preacher, a Ten Commandments monument, and other such things. But I gotta agree that yeah, technically, slander and blasphemy are the same thing.
And that’s a fact we see in the bible, ’cause the authors of scripture use
Oh, you want examples? I got examples.
Many Christians only use “blasphemy” to refer to God, and that includes bible translators. You’re gonna find a lot of bibles which only translate vlasfiméo as blasphemy when it has to do with God… and as all sorts of other things when it doesn’t. But the apostles didn’t treat vlasfiméo as an extra-special word for God, or even pagan gods;
Sometimes against God. Sometimes not. Paul used it about himself!
Romans 3.8 CSB - And why not say, just as some people slanderously claim we say, “Let us do what is evil so that good may come”? Their condemnation is deserved!
“Slanderously claim” translates
Paul uses it again later in his letter.
Romans 14.16-17 CSB 16 Therefore, do not let your good be slandered,17 for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.
“Slandered” translates
You getting the idea, or do I need to give you another example? Okay, another example.
1 Corinthians 10.30 CSB - If I partake with thanksgiving, why am I criticized because of something for which I give thanks?
“Criticized” translates
There aren’t many other examples in the New Testament of vlasfiméo used to describe slander towards various people, practices, and things. But they’re there; and you’ll find a few examples in
Either way, don’t slander!
Now yeah, it’s a bigger deal to slander God than it is to slander other people. Lying about who God is will damage our relationship with him, and it has the potential to lead others astray.
Lying about other people will damage our relationship with those people, and likewise lead others astray… but it’s less likely that people’s salvation is at risk. Although it might be. Slander someone who’s authentically proclaiming Jesus, and you might drive ’em away from Jesus. Either way it’s not good.
And way, way too many Christians are quick to slander others. They hear a rumor some minister is misrepresenting Jesus, and they help spread that rumor like the gossips they are. They hear
Maybe we should treat slanders and blasphemies all the same. It’s all evil. Don’t be evil!