Luke 2.41-52
Growing up, I’ve usually heard this story taught this way: Jesus, now that he’s old enough to go to temple, went there with the folks for Passover. Afterwards, he stuck around and got into an interesting chat with the rabbis, and lost utter track of time. Extending into days, if you can believe he never noticed the need to sleep, eat, pee, etc.
Meanwhile his unwitting parents got halfway back to Nazareth before finally noticing their son was absent. They turned back, finally found him talking shop in temple, and Mary rebuked him: “Your father and I were worried!” But Jesus came back with, “I was doing the work of my real Father.”
But, in order to maintain appearances—in order to look like an ordinary human boy, instead of exposing the fact he was secretly a God-boy—Jesus went back to Nazareth with them. Back to their confining, non-intellectual existence. Behaving himself, quietly waiting for another 18 years for his time to come.
Yeah, that interpretation’s got problems.
First let’s look at the actual story.
- Luke 2.41-42 KWL
- 41Jesus’s parents went to temple every year to the Passover festival.
- 42When Jesus was 12 years old
- they took him to the festival as customary.
As devout Jews, Joseph and Mary would’ve gone to temple three times a year, as the Law commanded. Ex 23.17, 34.23, Dt 16.16 It wasn’t an option; it’s what they did. It was katá to éthos/“by the custom,” or customary. They, and everyone in Nazareth who also followed the Law, would caravan to Jerusalem for Passover, Pentecost, and Sukkot. Probably stayed with family in Bethlehem, and went to Jerusalem during the day.
And of course Jesus went with them. Passover was a family thing. This wasn’t Jesus’s first Passover in Jerusalem. It was his 11th or 12th. (’Cause y’know, he missed that one when Herod Archelaus had gone nuts and killed a bunch of people.) The whole point of this feast, and every feast, was to celebrate what the LORD had done in the past, and pass the history down to your kids.
- Deuteronomy 6.21-25 KWL
- 21Tell your child, “We were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt,
- and the LORD brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand.
- 22The LORD gave prophetic signs and miracles, mighty—and bad—
- to Egypt, Pharaoh, and all his house, right before our eyes.
- 23He brought us out of there, because he came to us
- to give us the land he promised our ancestors.
- 24The LORD ordered us to do these duties, to live like today,
- to fear our LORD God, who’s good to us every day.
- 25It’s only right of us that we keep doing this command
- before our LORD God, like he charged us to.”