Nativity stories.
Jesus’s genealogy, in Matthew. Mt 1.1-17 In which Jesus’s messianic credentials are established.One heck of a birth announcement. Lk 1.5-25 Gabriel’s announcement to the father of John the baptist.How Mary became Jesus’s mother. Lk 1.26-38 What sort of person God selected as his mother.Mary’s visit to Elizabeth. Lk 1.39-56 When Jesus’s mother and John’s mother both prophesied about his coming.The birth of John the baptist. Lk 1.57-80 And his father’s prophecy about just what sort of man he’d be.How Joseph became Jesus’s father. Mt 1.18-25 Not foster father; adoptive father. God commissioned Joseph to raise his Son.Joseph, father of Jesus, prophet. Mt 1.18-21 God didn’t just choose anyone to raise his son; he chose someone who actively listened to him.Christ the Savior is born. Lk 2.1-7 The political circumstances at the time Jesus was born in Bethlehem.The sheep-herders’ vision of the angels. Lk 2.8-20 Jesus came to save everyone. Here, some of the everyone hear the good news.The prophets who recognized Jesus. Lk 2.21-40 In temple, two prophets confirm who Jesus is to his parents.The magi show up. Mt 2.1-3 How Zoroastrian priests used astrology to find Jesus. (And no, this doesn’t mean we‘re to do that.)Pinpointing Messiah’s birthplace. Mt 2.3-6 Why on earth did the priests tell their murderous king where Messiah would be born?
Messianic prophecies. (Or not.)
The first prophecy of a savior. Ge 3.14-15 After humanity messed up the universe, God indicated he has a plan to fix it.The star coming out of Jacob. Nu 24.17 Centuries before Israel had a king, Balám predicted one.The prophet like Moses. Dt 18.15-19. Moses spoke of prophets in general, but this particularly applies to Jesus.The heir to David’s throne. 2Sa 7.1-17 The LORD told David his throne would last forever. In Jesus, it does.Not allowed to rot. Ps 16.10 Jesus wasn’t in the grave long enough to rot… which resembles a line in a psalm.Messiah and Melchizedek. Ps 110.4 How God’s chosen king is like this obscure ancient gentile king.Jesus, our Immanuel. Is 7.14 How Jesus is like a prophecy about an oddly-named little boy.The Son who was given us. Is 9.6-7 As disaster drew near to 8th-centuryBC Israel, Isaiah foretold a Messiah who’d set everything right.One who brings justice to the gentiles. Is 42.1-4, Mt 12.14-20 A passage Jesus fulfilled—which is about Israel, but Jesus actually does it.Plucking Jesus’s beard. Or not. Is 50.6 In stories of Jesus’s passion, we regularly hear of people tearing out his beard. It’s not in the gospels; it’s in Isaiah—and he’s speaking of himself.Our suffering servant. Is 53 ’Cause usually people try to conquer the world by defeating others, not by suffering.Rachel weeping for her children. Jr 31.15-17 The destruction of Ramáh is a lot like when Herod massacred Bethlehem’s children.The Son of Man. Da 7.13-14 Jesus’s favorite description of himself comes from a Danielic vision.“Out of Egypt I called my Son.” Ho 11.1 How fulfillment isn’t the same as a prediction coming to pass.Christ is born in Bethlehem. Mc 5.1-4 Why the scholars figured Messiah came from that little town.Is there a prophecy of Jesus’s hometown? Mt 2.23 No; it’s wordplay. But wordplay can be a type of fulfillment.
On the first advent.
- When the fullness of time came, God sent his Son.
Ga 4.1-5 God had good reason for delaying the first coming till that time. - The Carmen Christi: When Jesus made himself nothing.
Pp 2.5-11 An early hymn about how God became human. - The ikon of the invisible God.
Cl 1.15-20 Y’know how the LORD forbade graven images? It’s because he reserved that for himself. - Foreknown before the world was founded.
1Pe 1.17-21 The coming of Christ Jesus was always the plan. Not the backup plan. - The living word. Whom the apostles have seen.
1Jn 1.1-4 These guys weren’t writing hypothetically about God; they knew Jesus personally.
On the second advent.
The Son of Man’s returning. And everyone will see it. Mt 24.23-28 It won’t be any secret rapture; it won’t happen quitely in some obscure corner of the world; it won’t be something only Christians can see.Jesus describes his second coming. Mk 13.24-27 After Jesus describes the great tribulation, he talks about his return.When is Jesus returning? Mk 13.32-37 Jesus didn’t say. So watch out for his return.The Five Stupid Teenagers Story. Mt 25.1-15 Don’t get tricked into missing the second coming.The Lambs and Kids Story. Mt 25.31-46 Those who are headed for the kingdom are already acting as if they’re in it.The Talents Story. Mt 25.13-30 What’re we doing with our king’s investments in our lives?The Wheat and Darnel Story. Mt 13.24-30, 13.36-43 Till the second coming, we gotta put up with the weeds.When Jesus got raptured. Ac 1.6-11 What goes up must come down.Apostasy before the second coming. 2Th 2.1-12 Before Jesus returns, there’ll be a lawbreaker running amok.Set your hearts for Jesus’s return. Jm 5.7-8 The End takes place on Jesus’s timetable, not ours.No, seriously: When’s Jesus returning? He’s taking forever! 2Pe 3.1-9 I know; it’s been 20 centuries. Don’t give up hope.
There’s a nice pile of reading material there. More to come.