There’s this church in town whose members really love to leave
I typically find them sitting on top of the urinals. I wonder whether the tract-passers realize how easy it is to bump ’em into the urinals and whiz all over ’em. And how often it probably happens—both
This particular tract caught my attention because it began with the line, “Nobody wants to talk about hell anymore.” In my experience this always means the person definitely wants to talk about hell.
And in fact loves to talk about hell. Won’t shut up about hell. Usually such people talk about hell more than they talk Jesus. They’re sick ’n tired of Christians like me who want them to stop exalting it: Hell’s a big deal. If people don’t turn to Jesus, and shun rock music and socialized medicine and the New World Order, they’re going to hell! Shouldn’t people be warned about this? Shouldn’t we tell them this?
So the tract wrote plenty about hell. Not in a lot of detail, ’cause the bible doesn’t actually provide details. Mostly to emphasize what the bible does have in it—that hell’s all weeping, wailing, teeth-gnashing, and suffering. Contrary to the movies, it’s not a fun place where you can party with pornstars and your favorite heavy metal bands and all your sinful friends, and snort all the “marihuana” you want with no worries about overdose. You actually don’t wanna go to hell.
And I agree; you don’t! But you know why I don’t care to talk about hell when I’m sharing Jesus? Because I’m trying to help ’em believe in Jesus. They kinda don’t. Not really; not enough. I’m nudging them towards
When people don’t believe in Jesus, they definitely don’t believe in hell. They think it’s imaginary. Either they think
So those of us Christians who don’t talk about hell, don’t do so for no reason, nor because we don’t believe in hell. We don’t talk about it because it doesn’t work. People might turn to Jesus out of fear… but either they won’t stay Christian, or they’ll use Christianity to justify all their other paranoid fears, and really be
Plus all this hell-talk has the unfortunate side effect of corrupting those who preach hell. Like I said, our gospel becomes bad news, not good. We stop being heavenly-minded. We grow as fearful as our message. We’re constantly watching out for devils instead of listening to the Holy Spirit.
“But they need to believe in hell.”
I’ve said such things before whenever I speak with hell-minded Christians. Not that it changes their behavior or their minds any. In fact they’re kinda outraged that I claim talking about hell is generally a waste of time. Hell is real! People need to hear about it! ’Cause at this rate, it’s where they’re going!
And even Jesus says so. In fact they regularly claim Jesus talks about hell more often in the scriptures than he talks about heaven. More often than any other person in the scriptures spoke on hell. More often than any other subject. He describes it vividly, as an absolute reality. He doesn’t want us to go there either!
You’ll find very few things frustrate hell-minded Christians as much as people who, despite all their warnings, despite all Jesus’s supposed warnings, won’t believe in hell. Who think hell is mythology; who think we Christians are ridiculous for believing in it. Who insist if God were truly good, he’d never create such a place. (That last bit really twists their knickers. I’ll discuss it another time.)
I’ve caught hell-minded Christians in debates with
Okay, lemme address these misbegotten beliefs about Jesus and hell.
Yes Jesus did bring up hell more often than anybody in the bible. Mainly that’s because Jesus speaks more often than anybody in the bible. (Except the L
But no Jesus didn’t talk about hell more than heaven. The topic he speaks on most, the topic
Which of these two are meant to draw people to Jesus: His goodness or his wrath? Well, for hell-fixated people, Jesus’s goodness gets just a little bit of lip service; they’ll quickly acknowledge it exists. But in all their sermons and tracts, far more emphasis, and typically far more time, is on the wrath part. They’re fond of
Take away hell, and they’ll actually argue evangelism loses all its urgency, all its motivation, all its power. In other words hell was its power. You getting that? Let that sink in a bit: The engine of their gospel is hell.
Not Jesus’s love and compassion. Not God’s desire to be with his people forever. Not the grand plan God has for our lives—to give us grace and hope, to make us better people, for us to inherit his kingdom and tap its kingdom’s power now instead of waiting for
They’ve traded all this good news for the fear of hell.
In fact, when you look at their own lives, you’re gonna find way more fear in them than any of
Fear’s a powerful motivator. It’s why they value it so much: It actually does get people to turn to Jesus in fear, and actually does get people to join their churches. But like I said, such people either don’t stay Christian, or become sucky Christians. Since fear-based dark Christians are exactly the kind of sucky Christians I mean, they of course can’t see what the problem is. They think grace-minded Christians are the real problem in Christendom; we need to preach about hell more!
Yeah, they really have the gospel upside down. Arguably it’s not even the gospel anymore.
So… you wanna talk about hell? Fine. Let’s talk about how hell is corrupting Christians and the gospel they proclaim. How it’s driving certain Christians to be less and less like Jesus: Less charitable,