1 Corinthians 2.6-16.
Paul and Sosthenes start 1 Corinthians by talking about how they didn’t present
But this is not to dismiss
Proper wisdom, godly wisdom, comes from God himself. Namely
1 Corinthians 2.6-16 KWL 6 We speak of a comprehensive wisdom;- a wisdom not of this age,
- nor of the rulers of this age; it’s meaningless.
7 But we speak of God’s wisdom,- previously hidden in a mystery,
- which God pre-decided before the ages
- for our glory.
8 Which none of the rulers of this age knew,- for if they knew,
- they wouldn’t have crucified the glorious Master.
9 But just as it was written,- “What eye doesn’t see and ear doesn’t hear,”
Is 64.4 - and doesn’t enter the human heart—
- what God prepares for those who love him.
10 God, through the Spirit, revealed them to us,- for the Spirit explores everything;
- God’s depths as well.
11 For who comprehends about humans,- and things about humans,
- if not the spirit of a human that’s within them?
- Thus also God-stuff—
- nobody knows it but God’s Spirit.
12 It’s not the world’s spirit we accept,- but the Spirit who’s from God,
- so that we might have known
- the things from God which he gives us.
13 We also speak of God-stuff—- not in human teachings or wise lessons,
- but in Spirit-teachings,
- comparing Spirit-stuff to Spirit-stuff.
14 A soulish person doesn’t accept the things of God’s Spirit,- for it’s “moronic” to them,
- and they can’t understand it
- because it’s discerned through the Spirit.
15 A Spiritual person discerns everything- —and is discerned by no one.
16 For “Who knows God’s mind? Who can advise him?”Is 40.13 - We have Christ’s mind.
Having the mind of Christ.
That last statement in verse 16, “We have Christ’s mind,” is a profoundly radical statement. Who understands God? Well, Christ Jesus.
Okay, if Christians have the mind of Christ, why on earth do we split into a thousand denominations and fight each other? Why are some of us
In verse 14 the apostles refer to “a soulish person.” That’s my
And that’s most people. Including Christians. Including Christians who actually follow the Holy Spirit! Y’see, we’re meant to follow him so carefully and so often, his fruit becomes our knee-jerk reactions. Instead of doing fleshly, selfish things like every other human, we startle other people—and ourselves!—
Problem is, a lot of Christians are still soulish. They assume when they became Christian, when they received the Holy Spirit, they automatically received Jesus’s divine nature… so they’re good now! The Spirit’s fruit
Obviously they’ve not changed at all, and have simply slapped Christian labels onto all their pagan thinking and
You’ll know these folks by their fruits. Christians who legitimately have Christ’s mind, produce the Spirit’s fruit, have good character, and aren’t jerks. Christians who don’t are soulish and
Divine revelation.
This Spirit-stuff is the “comprehensive wisdom” of verse 6, the “God’s wisdom” of verse 7. Stuff we humans couldn’t figure out on our own; if we could, like the apostles point out, we wouldn’t have killed Jesus!
As Isaiah had put it, and the apostles quoted:
Isaiah 64.4 KJV - For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him.
It’s really good stuff which God has prepared for us, but humanity was clueless. And many Christians are still kinda clueless, which is why they still pursue the world’s wisdom and approval instead of following the Spirit. Why they still adopt human philosophies and try to Christianize them, instead of recognizing the inherent selfishness in much of it, ditching it, and following Jesus.
As for the other Isaiah quote, I’ll have to use a translation of
Isaiah 40.13-14 SAAS 13 Who knows the Lord’s mind, and who was His counselor; who advises Him?14 Or with whom does He take counsel, who instructs Him, and who teaches Him judgment and shows Him the way of understanding?
The original Hebrew has to do with advising the Spirit of the L