1 Corinthians 2.1-5.
I grew up in a
They didn’t always call it apologetics, but basically that’s what they did, and likely still do: Explaining why Jesus is Lord, what he did to save us from sin and death, encouraging people to believe this wholeheartedly, and
In contrast, in the bible, Jesus or the apostles would go somewhere, either prophesy or cure someone, and crowds would appear wanting to know, “What just happened? What’s this about?”—and then the apostles or Jesus would talk about
No apologetics necessary! You don’t have to convince people God is real when they just saw God act. Yeah, they might deny what they just saw, or what it means, and we might need to challenge them not to. But that takes more commonsense than apologetics.
Anyway, in today’s passage Paul and Sosthenes remind the Christians of Corinth that this is what Paul did. Since he was already talking about earthly wisdom versus God, he just wanted to remind ’em he didn’t evangelize them with wisdom. He did stuff, and let the power of
1 Corinthians 2.1-5 KWL 1 Remember my coming to you, fellow Christians:- I come, not with an authoritative lesson,
- nor preaching wisdom to you—
- God’s now-revealed mystery.
2 For I didn’t figure I knew anything about you,- except Christ Jesus, and this man crucified,
3 and I became weak, afraid,- and greatly shaking among you.
4 My lesson and my preaching- wasn’t lessons of wise persuasion,
- but a demonstration of the Spirit and power
5 so your faith wouldn’t be in human wisdom- but in God’s power.
And yes, cessationists are all wet.
Or did you forget how you were saved?
I grew up Christian, same as a lot of Christians. I didn’t come to Jesus because of miracles or clever arguments, but because Mom is Christian, read me bible stories, had really good church attendance (and therefore so did I), and encouraged me to learn as much as I could.
Many kids ditch that childhood faith when they get older, because most churches’ children’s programs suck mightily at teaching us depth and maturity and
Anyway. Of the Christians who weren’t raised in church, they usually came to Jesus because they likewise had a God-experience. It wasn’t necessarily
Rarely do people come to Jesus because they reason their way to him. Although it happens! God loves intellectuals too, y’know. C.S. Lewis is one of the more famous examples of someone who couldn’t deny that his atheism didn’t work; that there had to be a God; that ultimately Jesus is the right way to God. Lewis really appeals to intellectuals, many of whom love to talk about apologetics, and how to reason your way to God. But as a scholar I’ve talked with plenty of intellectuals, and pretty much all of ’em actually didn’t come to Jesus through their intellect. Just like me, they were raised Christian. Or, just like me, they had a God-experience.
And most of them kinda forgot that’s how they initially came to Christ Jesus. And when they share Jesus with other people, they don’t
But I point to passages like this one. Paul didn’t come to Corinth with impressive, persuasive, brilliant arguments in favor of Jesus of Nazareth being the Messiah of Israel and savior of the world. He prophesied. He cured people. Really, he let the Holy Spirit do all the work. Really, we should be doing likewise!
He did it this way “so your faith wouldn’t be in human wisdom but in God’s power.”
This is why I encourage Christian evangelists to talk about real power: Share your testimonies of when God actually did stuff in your life. Encourage people to seek their own God-experiences. Give them a God-experience by praying for their needs or sharing what the Spirit tells you.
Save the theology and apologetics for after they follow Jesus. That stuff isn’t unimportant, but it’s not the best way to lead people to Jesus. The Spirit is.